Monday, July 20, 2009

Iran's Tragic Joke

By Roger Cohen

NEW YORK — Allow me to quote the British novelist Martin Amis, writing about Persia in The Guardian: “Iran is one of the most venerable civilizations on earth: it makes China look like an adolescent, and America look like a stripling.”

Iranians, aware of that history, are a proud people. They do not take kindly to being played around with, nor to seeing their country turned into a laughing stock. They do not like the memory of an election campaign that now seems like pure theater, the expression of the sadistic whim of some puppeteer.

So the line I take away from the important Friday sermon of Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, the two-time former president who believes that the Islamic Republic’s future lies in compromise rather than endless confrontation, is this one: “We shouldn’t let our enemies laugh at us because we’ve imprisoned our own people.”

There’s been tragedy aplenty since June 12 — dozens of killings, thousands of arrests, countless beatings of the innocent — and I hope I belittle none of it when I say there’s also been something laughable.

What president would celebrate a “victory” by two-thirds of the vote with a clampdown resembling a putsch? What self-respecting nation would attribute the appearance in the streets of three million protesters convinced their votes were stolen to Zionists, “evil” media and British agents?

(The former British ambassador to Iran told me with a smile last January that Tehran was an interesting place to serve “because it’s one of the very few places left on earth where people still believe we have some influence!”)

What sort of country invites hundreds of journalists to witness an election only to throw them all out? What kind of revolutionary authority invokes “ethics” and “religious democracy” as it allows plain-clothes thugs to beat women?

What is to be thought of a supreme leader who calls an election result divine, then says there are some questions that need resolution by an oversight council, and then tells that council what the result of its recount is before it’s over?

Iran is not some banana republic. The events since the night of June 12 have been a shameful interlude. Iranians have not digested this grotesquery.

No, Iran is not a banana republic. It’s a sophisticated nation of 75 million people. It pretends to a significant role in the affairs of the world. It’s a land of poets who knew how to marry the sacred and the sensuous and always laughed at the idea of a truth so absolute it would not accommodate contradiction.

It’s an Islamic Republic and, as Rafsanjani said, “If the Islamic and Republican sides of the revolution are not preserved, it means that we have forgotten the principles of the revolution.”

Respecting that duality — the clerical and the republican — means that the price Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has to pay for his lifelong authority is the quadrennial holding of presidential elections that cannot remove him from office but must inform his actions.

Because Khamenei trampled on this principle, ignoring the will of the people, he created the “crisis” of which Rafsanjani spoke.

It will not abate quickly. Iranians believe the puppeteer must pay a price for such clumsy theater. Within the revolutionary establishment and within society, fissures have become chasms. President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is now the most divisive figure in the Islamic Republic’s 30-year history.

As Rafsanjani said: “We could have taken our best step in the history of the Islamic Revolution had the election not faced problems.”

The campaign was of an exemplary openness. Supporters of Ahmadinejad and Mir Hussein Moussavi, the reformist candidate, took to the streets without incident. Moussavi, with his impeccable revolutionary credentials, was the very emblem of unthreatening change.

But a hardline faction around Khamenei, Ahmadinejad and the Revolutionary Guards felt threatened — in their power, wealth and world view.

They do not believe, as Rafsanjani believes, in a China option for Iran: the possibility of normalizing relations with the U.S. and preserving the system.

While Rafsanjani spoke, Ahmadinejad was speaking in Mashad. “As soon as the new government is formed, it will enter the global sphere with a power that is 10 times greater than that of the West and overthrow the West from its hegemonic position,” he said.

I heard the president say the same thing, again and again and again, over the course of a three-hour press conference two days after the election. He is suffering from a pathology. Rafsanjani is not alone in believing it is dangerous.

A succession struggle of sorts has begun in Iran. Rafsanjani, 74, is challenging Khamenei, 70. So is Mohammad Khatami, the reformist former president who called Sunday for a referendum on the legitimacy of the election. They are saying Iran is a great and proud nation: open the prisons, free the press, allow debate, do not make a laughing stock of our institutions. That, they insist, is the only form of loyalty to the Revolution.

It’s also the only action worthy of a millennial nation. The joke has been too foul to stand.


Thursday, July 9, 2009

18 tir, July 09, 2009 Collection of video clips

Teargased woman, Tehran July 09, 2009

Brave Iranian Women

Brave young woman in Tehran Protest, July 09, 2009

Taleqni-valiasr,tehran 8:00 pm. 9 july

2009-07-09_Tehran_Part 33_Tir 18_تهران 18 تیر

Ismalic Republic Militia, Basiji's Throwing Handcuffed Students from Rooftops

Viewer Discretion is advised.

Graphic video of July 4, 2009 In Tehran depicts how Basiji Militia are killing protesters by throwing them from roof tops while had cuffed. How much more brutal and gruesome could it get?

Monday, July 6, 2009

Crocodile Tears for Iranians

By MUHAMMAD SAHIMI in Los Angeles | 5 July 2009

[TEHRAN BUREAU] Elections in Iran, whether presidential, parliamentary, or even for city councils, are always preceded by great debates over a simple issue: to vote or not to vote. The typical turnout in Iranian elections is around 60% of eligible voters. Turnout has never exceeded 85%, which was attained in the presidential election of June 12, 2009. (One exception is the April 1979 referendum right after the revolution, which holds the record for turnout. Iranians were asked to cast a vote either in favor of the continuation of the monarchy or an Islamic Republic, which was not defined.) So, the vote-or-not debates are generally aimed at encouraging or discouraging the 20% of eligible voters who decide to vote on certain occasions (as they did last month, and also in 1997 and 2001, the two times in which Mohammad Khatami was elected president).

Iran’s presidential election of June 12 was no different. But that debate in Iran was practically settled as soon as Khatami announced several months ago that he would run for president. Huge crowds greeted him everywhere he went. After Khatami announced that he would withdraw in favor of Mir Hossein Mousavi and threw his support behind him, the same huge crowds began greeting Mousavi, which gave rise to the Green Movement. A great majority of Iranians came to reason that by voting they could remove Mahmoud Ahmadinejad from the presidency, and hence create a possibility for a better future.

The situation was different outside Iran. A part of the exiled opposition (if they can be called such), which included hard-core royalists, supporters of the Mojahedin-e Khalgh, and a group of politicians and journalists who emigrated from Iran in the past few years, called for boycotting the election. Given that the MEK is nothing more than a terrorist cult, I will not discuss them any further. The royalists, who are after regime change in Iran, and others, who were vehemently opposed to voting, argued, as they always do, that elections in Iran are not meaningful, and that it does not matter whether the people vote or not. But after the surge in the popularity of Mousavi, they mostly fell silent.

Among the War Party in the United States, made up of those Republican and Democrats who favor a militaristic approach to foreign policy, the debate about Iran’s presidential election was, up to 2005, always the same. Prior to Ahmadinejad becoming Iran’s president in 2005, and particularly when Khatami was president, the neoconservatives, the War Party and others always mocked him for being powerless. On the eve of Iran’s presidential election of 2005, George W. Bush declared that in Iran power is held by “an unelected few,” meaning that elections were inconsequential. But after Ahmadinejad was elected and began using his incendiary, but inconsequential rhetoric about the Holocaust and Israel, the War Party and the Israel lobby transformed him into the most powerful man in Iran, even comparing him to Adolph Hitler.

It is well known that Iran’s president, while influential to some extent, is not the ultimate decision maker when it comes to foreign policy. But, regardless, the War Party, the neoconservatives, and the Israel lobby transformed Ahmadinejad into the most powerful man on earth, a mad man who, if he got his hands on a nuclear weapon, would not hesitate to use it against Israel. They even prayed that the U.S. would attack Iran, even though there is no evidence that Iran is interested in making nuclear weapons.

Two weeks before Iran’s June 12 presidential election, the War Party and the Israel lobby began to worry about the possibility that Mousavi may be elected president. They worried that his victory would take away from them their main propaganda weapon against Iran: Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. They have always considered Ahmadinejad “Israel’s greatest asset,” and wanted him to win re-election. Many neoconservatives and Israeli politicians stated explicitly that, from their point of view, it would be better if Ahmadinejad won a second term.

They had good reason to worry. During his campaign Mousavi accused Ahmadinejad of using rhetoric against Israel and the West, as well as exhibiting such inflexibility in his nuclear policy, that have hurt Iran’s national interests and security. In his one-on-one debate with Ahmadinejad, Mousavi criticized his stance on the Holocaust and the conference on the same subject that he sponsored in Tehran in December 2006. He promised that if elected, he would pursue a sober and flexible foreign policy that would not only preserve Iran’s vital interests, but would also enable it to reach an accommodation with the West that would bring it out of its diplomatic isolation.

Mousavi’s principled stance against Ahmadinejad, as well as his promise for a better foreign policy, was not what the War Party and the neoconservatives wanted to hear, since for years their goal has been convincing the public that there is no solution to the confrontation with Iran but a military one. Thus, about a week before the election, the War Party, the neoconservatives and the Israel lobby, demoted Iran’s president to a powerless man again! In concert, they began emphasizing that it does not matter who Iran’s president is, since all the important decisions regarding foreign policy are made by the life-appointed Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khemenei.

Writing in the New York Times, for example, Elliot Abrams, the neoconservative deputy national security advisor to George W. Bush, declared that, “The power of a putative reformist [an Iranian president] is illusory.” Others, such as John Bolton, the former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, said the same thing.

But neither the exiled Iranian “opposition,” nor the War Party in the U.S., could predict that the conservatives would commit fraud on such a grand scale to keep Ahmadinejad as president at all cost. Of course they were not the only ones who were cut off guard.

The fraud however provoked large-scale demonstrations and a violent crackdown on peaceful protesters, and the arrest of more than 2000 people, among them many important reformist leaders, journalists, human rights advocates, university students and others. In particular, the cold-blooded murder of Neda Agha Soltan, the beautiful 27-years-old woman, shook the world.

So the same Iranian “opposition,” who had called for boycotting the election, began exploiting the situation. Suddenly, many “leaders” emerged instructing people on how to continue their protests and demonstrations until they had recovered their rights, including annulment of the elections and holding a new round of elections, the same elections that were not meaningful up until June 12. The same people who had said that elections in Iran were inconsequential, suddenly discovered that elections do in fact matter; they could result in the election of a moderate and enlightened man, such as Khatami (even if he was not successful); or Ahmadinejad, who has presented an extremely negative image of Iran, not to mention has also wrecked the economy with his dismal performance, and ruthlessly repressed people at home; or result in a vast fraud against Mousavi, which reignited and invigorated the democratic movement.

Reza Pahlavi, the same man who had called for boycotting the election and repeatedly called for sanctions against Iran, sanctions that hurt only ordinary Iranians, and in many cases, such as we saw in Iraq, have eventually led to war, suddenly started shedding tears for the demonstrators, the voters whom he had done his best to discourage from voting.

Mohsen Sazegara, the man who had opposed voting until the day before the election, was suddenly giving people “instructions” on how to resist the fraud. Others, mostly on the left side of the political spectrum, suddenly discovered the power of angry voters. Some even claimed that these protests were not on account of fraud or even Mousavi.

Just to make sure that I am not misunderstood, let me emphasize: The violent crackdown on peaceful protesters, which resulted in the murder of at least two dozen people, must be condemned internationally. No one with any conscience can be indifferent to the cold-blooded murder of Neda Agha Soltan and others like her. No one can be indifferent to the fact that the hope of a great majority of the Iranian people for a better future was extinguished. Let there also be no doubt that the arrest of so many people, particularly innocent protesters, as well as the harsh censorship imposed on the press, must be condemned in the strongest way possible.

Some Iranians living in the U.S., who support Ahmadinejad because they believe that he has stood up firmly to the U.S. and has succeeded in setting up Iran’s uranium enrichment facilities, believe that international condemnation of what has been happening in Iran would be tantamount to interfering in Iran’s internal affairs. Not so.

Condemning what has happened in Iran and expressing solidarity with the Green Movement would not be interference in Iran’s internal affairs, because what is being condemned first and foremost are violations of fundamental human and civil rights of the Iranian people, and respect for such rights, and condemning their violations, are universal values.

Just as all peace-loving people condemn the carnage committed by Israel against the Palestinians, by George W. Bush and his cabal against the Iraqis, by Russia against the Chechens, by Saddam Hussein against his compatriots, by the Taliban against the Afghan people and especially Afghan women, and by the government of Sudan against the people of Darfur, they must also condemn what is happening in Iran.

But, for the condemnations to have any credibility, the condemners themselves must have credibility. Thus, in my opinion, only the condemnations of the truly antiwar activists, those who stood firmly against any sanctions or unprovoked attacks on Iran, and true believers in the universality of human rights, not those for whom human rights are a baton to hit the opposition, would be credible. If people like Pahlavi and Sazegara want to condemn what is happening in Iran, and their condemnation is welcome, they must first be honest enough about what they were saying before the election. In particular, Pahlavi must denounce his stance on sanctions against Iran. Otherwise, in the author’s opinion, the good people of Iran need neither Pahlavi’s tears, nor Sazegara’s “instructions.”

At the international level, Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, Physicians for Human Rights, Federation of Human Rights Societies, Reporters without Borders, and the United Nations Human Rights Council have credible track records of defending human rights. Thus, they can credibly condemn what is happening in Iran, as they have. They must continue doing so.

When the post-election protests erupted in Iran, the situation became even tougher for the War Party and the neoconservatives. They recognized that Ahmadinejad will apparently be Iran’s president for four more years, even though a great majority of the Iranian people everywhere (including the author) consider his second term as illegitimate. So, how should they react?

Clearly, they could not make a 180-degree turn in less than a week, and declare once again that Ahmadinejad is the most dangerous man on earth and bent on destroying Israel and the U.S.! That would be too ridiculous, even for this crowd, although I must say that nothing that this crowd does surprises me. This crowd never tires of trying to start a war against Iran.

So, the War Party and the neoconservatives decided to do the next “best” thing, namely, shedding crocodile tears for the Iranian people, but also using the tears to prepare the public for a future war. A war would kill at least tens of thousands of Iranian people, the same people for whom they are shedding tears. In particular, they began attacking President Obama’s sensible policy of condemning the violence and crackdown on the protesters, but refusing to take sides.

The Iranian people do not forget the positions of the same people who are now shedding crocodile tears for the good people of Iran. They do not forget that Senator John McCain who now sheds such tears, is the same man who said “bomb, bomb, bomb” Iran, and the same man who has consistently supported the illegal invasion of Iraq and the escalation of the Afghan war by the Obama administration, which has resulted in the slaughter of hundreds of thousands of people. The decent people of Iran do not need, nor have they asked for, the Senator’s support. He should shed them for selecting a running mate such as Sarah Palin.

Let us not forget that William Kristol, the neoconservative with crocodile tears in his eyes, is the same man who was a major force behind the invasion of Iraq and did his utmost best to provoke George W. Bush to attack Iran. He now criticizes President Obama for being “resolutely irresolute” about interfering in Iran.

Just to see how much Kristol understands Iran, consider the following: He likens Mousavi, a pious man with an impeccable track record for being uncorrupted, to Boris Yeltsin, the corrupt drunkard who sold out Russia to the Mafia-like Russian oligarchy. There is a reason he is called the “little Lenin” of the neocons!

In the author’s opinion, Iranians do not need Senator Joseph Lieberman’s crocodile tears, the turncoat who had no loyalty even to his own Democratic Party, the man who supported the invasion of Iraq, who did his best to start a war with Iran, and who has been the sponsor of so many Senate resolutions against Iran. He now “greatly admires the courage and principle of the Iranians.”

I suppose the Senator fantasizes that if the democratic movement succeeds, Iran will become a U.S. client state again so that he would not have to push for bombing Iran.

Iranians know that Danielle Pletka has been a long-time hard-liner on Iran at the American Enterprise Institute, the same institution that provided the “theoretical foundation” for the invasion of Iraq, and was home to such Iran “experts” as Michael Ledeen and Reuel Marc Geretch, who did their best to start a war with Iran. She also sheds crocodile tears for the Iranian people who, in her opinion, will suffer “the consolidation of power by a ruthless regime.” But, remaining true to her real colors, she also provides clues as to how the problems with Iran must be handled by saying, “That Iran [under Ahmadinejad’s second term] neither needs nor wants accommodation with the West,” meaning diplomacy should not be pursued.

Finally, everyone knows that Richard Perle, the “Prince of Darkness,” was the “brain” behind the Iraq invasion and the man who has been trying to pick for Iranians their future leader by coming up with an Iranian Ahmad Chalabi. Shedding crocodile tears for the Iranian people, Perle blames President Obama for what has been happening in Iran, because according to him, “When you unclench your fist it benefits the hardliners, because Obama appeared to be saying we can do business with you even with your present policies.” Since he is bothered by Obama’s supposedly unclenched fist, one can conclude that his crocodile tears are only for justifying a future war with Iran.

The Iranian people do need moral support, and need a lot of it. They can handle the rest by themselves. But, they do not need the crocodile tears of the warmongers who, for years, have done all they can to start a war with their country, or impose sanctions that would only hurt the common people.

In a message to the Iranians in the Diaspora, Mousavi said, “I am fully aware that your justified demands have nothing to do with groups who do not believe in the sacred Islamic Republic of Iran’s system. It is up to you to distance yourself from them, and do not allow them to misuse the current situation.” That is the right message, regardless of whether one is for or against the Islamic Republic. Anyone who supports Iran’s democratic movement should heed Mousavi’s call and support him as the movement’s leader. The movement does not need a leader living in exile.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Six Mousavi supporters reportedly hanged in Iran


Six supporters of defeated Iran’s presidential candidate Mir Hossein Mousavi have reportedly been hanged after the authorities warned the opposition that they would tolerate no further protests over the disputed June 12 presidential elections.

Speaking after Iran’s Guardian Council upheld the election victory of incumbent Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, sources in Iran said in a telephone interview that the hangings took place in the holy city of Mashhad on Monday.

There was no independent confirmation of the report, The Jerusalem Post reports.

The sources also reported that a prominent cleric gave a speech to opposition protesters in Teheran earlier this week in which he publicly acknowledged that the very act of speaking at the gathering could cost him his life.

“Ayatollah Hadi Gafouri said that the Imam (Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini) never wanted current supreme Leader Ali Khamenei to succeed him. He even went to say that the Islamic republic died the day the Imam did,” one source said.

Other criticisms from senior clerics over the regime’s handling of the elections and subsequent protests included a report from a Persian news agency, which on Tuesday quoted a senior cleric from the city of Esfahan, Ayatollah Seyyed Jalaleddin Taheri-Esfahani, defending Mousavi against the regime’s criticisms.

On Monday, witnesses said thousands of policemen and Basij militiamen carrying batons were deployed in Tehran’s main squares to prevent any recurrence of the opposition protests.

Women police, better known as the Sisters of Zeynab, are also now out in force, the witnesses said.

“Some people are still going out into the streets, but there is despair and sadness. Now we are told that (pro-Mousavi) green bands are illegal, which is ironic because it symbolizes the colour of Islam,” said one source. (ANI)
