Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Sanction: A Prelude to War and Case of Iranian Patriotism

Sanction: A Prelude to War and Case of Iranian Patriotism

On August 6, 1990, reaffirming Resolution 660 (1990) and noting Iraq's refusal to comply with it and Kuwait's right of self-defense, the Council took steps to implement international sanctions on Iraq under Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter. This was the second resolution by the Security Council over the invasion of Kuwait.

On Saturday 4 March 2000 John Pilger Reported on Guardian UK :

Squeezed to death

[Half a million children have died in Iraq since UN sanctions were imposed - most enthusiastically by Britain and the US. Three UN officials have resigned in despair. Meanwhile, bombing of Iraq continues almost daily.
When asked on US television if she [Madeline Albright, US Secretary of State] thought that the death of half a million Iraqi children [from sanctions in Iraq] was a price worth paying, Albright replied: “This is a very hard choice, but we think the price is worth it.”]


In an interview with Amy Goodman, published on Democracy Now with Governor Bill Richardson of New Mexico, he was asked about 500,000 Iraqi Children in addition to 1,000,000 adults who had died as a result of sanction…..

[.........AMY GOODMAN: But the U.N. sanctions, for example, the sanctions led to the deaths of more than a half a million children, not to mention more than a million Iraqis.

GOVERNOR RICHARDSON: Well, I stand behind the sanctions. I believe that they successfully contained Saddam Hussein. I believe that the sanctions were an instrument of our policy.

AMY GOODMAN: To ask a question that was asked of U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Madeleine Albright, do you think the price was worth it, 500,000 children dead.

GOVERNOR RICHARDSON: Well, I believe our policy was correct, yes...............]


Enter Iran’s alleged and unproven nuclear bomb ambition, AKA yet another bogyman in the region that might be a treat to Israel and or US ambitions in the region.

In a commentary by Jennifer Rubin a well known “bomb Iran” crowd, we see how worried these crowd are about alleged [Targeted Sanction] not being able to KILL enough Iranians by noting:

[….such sanctions reflect the administration’s misguided desire to “avoid being too harsh, too effective, or inflict too much damage”. Instead of genuinely “crippling sanctions,” the weak-kneed administration “[doesn’t] want to topple the regime nor inflict much damage, just target those ‘elements’ they think are the really bad guys.”…..]

This is hardly a surprise, since the ugly truth under the disguise that is coming from war mongering neoconservatives and foreign lobby groups such as AIPAC about the [Crippling Sanctions] in which the main objective of such sanctions would be to INFLICT horrendous amount of pain and suffering to the nation, in whose behalf [demonstrators and nation as a whole] they claim to speak.

One might try and attempt to rationalize this twisted logic when it comes from groups such as neoconservatives and foreign affiliated groups [i.e. AIPAC]. But this logic truly takes a new evil form when it comes from so called Iranians, more so from group who to arrogantly and undeservingly name themselves Patriots.

In their twisted and treacherous logic, they are led to believe that IF enough pain and suffering can be brought upon a nation and IF they are sufficiently RAVAGED and IMPOVERISHED, they will rise up in earnest and overthrow the Islamic Regime. Fact of the matter is though, as was seen during Iraq Sanction, minimal of suffering was brought upon Saddam’s regime itself.

Of course, the fact that these so called Iranian patriots are calling for innocent civilians to be starved and immiserated does not prevent THEM from engaging in POMPOUS and self-congratulatory rhetoric about their great devotion to “the Iranian people, who are risking life and limb against a regime they know all to well is evil” and “Ancient Persian heritage, that they all claim to be the sole guardians of”.

It would be hard to think of a better example of the profound dishonesty underlying what these treacherous group that starving Iranian people is their new found LOVE and devotion to the Mother Land.

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